Cisco exam!

You know how I swore I’d never take another exam ever again? Well, this b* Cisco course of course it has an exam. Several components count towards the final grade. You have to:

  1. Complete at least 75% of the chapter assessments (no other assessment) Done! 🙂
  2. Submit the course feedback Done! 🙂 
  3. Pass the Final Examination at 70% or higher on first attempt. 80% or higher on the second attempt.
  4. Complete and submit the Skills Based Assessment as per instructions by the set deadline. Done! 🙂

so you see, I have just to take this final examination. Now, I did the practice last week and found you’re allowed three hours. Three hours! You expect me to get three hours to myself at home without someone knocking at the door, or the phone ringing, or husband stressing that he can’t find something or can’t make the phone or the computer work? Ha! Fortunately, I finished the practice in well under three hours and with a suitable mark. I seem to have learned how to do sub-netting and indeed, as usual, working out processes is easier than memorising material. So remembering which port is for what application or for which protocol, or what level of the OSI model matches some other model, is harder than calculating.

I think I’ll not sign up for more exams though.

If you look carefully at the OU Cisco FB page you’ll find a photo of me, and someone in the Philippines has shared it, commenting something like, “There is no age to stop learning.” Cheek! and never too old to teach either.